Elm Street school has 180 days each year to inspire, educate and foster a love of learning for the Elm Street students. Elm Street PAC is asking for your support to make the most of each day, provide our students with unique experiences and help build memories that last a lifetime.


Imagine what's possible if just 180 donors each donated anywhere between $1 and $180. Elm Street PAC could immediately fund many of our planned budget items including "Dancing with the Elm Street Stars" dance, cultural arts programming, Field Day including t-shirts for every student and staff, "Battle of the Books" books and prizes, playground equipment and more!

Will you be one of 180 to make a difference? Donate today at https://www.givinggrid.com/elm180


*Important Fee Notice*

Elm Street is using a free service, "Giving Grid" to facilitate tracking for our 1 through 180 donors. Please be aware that Giving Grid automatically adds a suggested "tip" to the donation amount to keep Giving Grid free; donors will need to "edit" in order to remove the tip amount or change the amount. There is no requirement or pressure to "tip" the platform. 

Donations are processed using the donor's credit card through Elm Street PAC's PayPal account. PayPal deducts a non-profit fee of 1.99% + $0.49 from each transaction. If you would like to contribute to Elm 180 but would prefer not to use a credit card, direct donations can always be made via Venmo @elm-st-pac, or by sending cash or a check made payable to Elm Street PAC to the Elm Street Office, attn: Elm Street PAC and we will update your donation to our total!